Monday, October 29, 2012


First Birthday for Great Nephew Ryder is on Halloween, His Daddy's Birthday is July 4th  and his Momma's is New Years Eve. Think they can keep this trend going?
 I made a Growth Chart for his gift and called it "See Ryder Grow" Lacey, his Momma remembers fondly Uncle Maurice measuring her and all the other kids yearly first on the door facings then when we ran out of room on a special board like this.
 Great Niece  Jocelyn and friend in their finery at the party.
Then  Grandma & Grandpa (us) had their Annually Costume Party with 15  present. This is Esther in her Woopie Cushion
 Janice in her festive dress
 Hope ready for the Bull Fight!
Sandy & Donnie straight from the farm!
Us; Marlynne & Maurice as the Cass County Cooperate Bathroom Cleaners
John & Sue as The Pilgrim and her husband
 Oops John got in with Mary from the West too!

Carol declined to dress up this year. But glad she came anyway!
Lynn and Dana are The Old Couple That show up every now and then!

 Hope you have some Halloween Fun this year too!


lousnewsandcraftycreations said...

Fantastic pictures,looks like you all had a great time.
We don't do much about Halloween here,although its getting more popular with the youngsters .
We do celebrate Guy Fawkes night on November 5th though.
We shall have our usual fireworks.My husbands birthday is on the same day,and he is 65this year,so extra celebrating.
Love Lauraxx

Erica of Golden Egg Vintage said...

Oh you guys are the cutest ever in your costumes! Each one of you!
I hope it was a lot of fun.
The Growth Chart was a great idea for birthday boy.
Thanks for sharing :)

CatieAn said...

Love the costumes and the spirit!!