Thursday, December 29, 2016


I have enjoyed creating little 5"X7"  Christmas Fabric Quilted  Pictures while being with sister Judy during her Radiation/Chemo treatments. This one I entitled "Three Kings of the Forest"

"Kittens Christmas"

"Childrens Christmas of Yesteryear"

After Christmas sales gave me more supplies for next year!

"All is Calm all is Bright"

"Frolicking Snowmen"

"Have a Berry Merry Christmas"

And lastly: "Cardinal Christmas"

I always buy a new/old Christmas book each year. This years "A Cup of Christmas Tea" has a powerful message!

This was a  favorite re-read of years past!1

Our 2016 Christmas picture with son Paul

And a group hug with Tracee, Paul, and Jasper. Wishing you the best of the last of 2016 and a great new 2017!

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