Sunday, June 21, 2015


The Dining Room Table is ready for my Cousins Reunion here on the 4th of July.
Replaced the sofa pillows to the Summer Geranium ones. I painted the geraniums on canvas cloth and sewed them on to gingham years ago. I always enjoy using  them in the summer!

Mother crocheted  this "1976" afghan and I always said someday I want this for our home which we build and moved into in 1976.

No matter the season one of my happy sock monkeys sits in my chair in the front room

Patriotic touch to the dining room garland.

My biggest Teddy Bear has the honor of being The Flag Bearer!

I finished this Sunbonnet Sue Wall Hanging for the Grand kids room recently.

The Stars hanging on the kitchen chandelier  are a new addition this year. I drew a star on cardboard to fit the 5"X5" fabric pieces, then cut a double piece plus a batting piece and sewed them together with string in a running stitch leaving enough string for  hanging.

Then with the scrap pieces left---

I overlapped them on a piece of muslin in the shape of a heart and free motioned sewed them on the muslin  Then on to a blue cloth outlining with red ball fringe, made a pillow back and got me a patriotic pillow for our old "Uncle Earl Rocking Chair in the Kitchen.
And a Happy "Independence Day" One and All!


Beth said...

My grandmother crocheted a very similar "1776" afghan--must have been a big thing during the Bicentennial. It's not the prettiest thing we own that Grandma made, but I have tender feelings about it. About a year after my grandma died, my mom became very sick and was waiting for surgery. It was a terrible time for her, since my dad had passed away only a month earlier. I was staying with her, and found her curled up on the couch one night, wrapped up in that funny afghan. She smiled a teary smile and said, "Sometimes you just need your mom."

I've thought about that so many times since then, when I've been the one who needed my mom, and instead of grabbing that afghan have put on her old sweater.

But I'm digressing. Seeing your afghan made me smile. Thanks for sharing.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

You are all ready for the 4th. I love your scrap pillows that you free motion sewed, such a cleaver idea!


Sheryl Red Tin Inn said...

I so enjoyed visiting you today...It shows that you really love your home...and now I do. Love the pillows..if I can figure out how to drop my feed dogs on my old singer I may give that a try. Hope I have the opprotunity to visit again.....Sheryl